Saturday, January 25, 2014

Who You Are

This came to mind as I pondered a response from a writer who became irate after I questioned some incorrect info he had posted on several health/fitness 'gurus'. This person, who identified himself as a fitness author and instructor, went ballistic in his posted response to me, cursing, using insulting and demeaning language. It certainly was a big contrast to the smiling affable picture of himself he has on his Facebook and personal website. When I questioned him about his response in a follow-up letter and said that my simply questioning his info was hardly a reason to respond as he did, the author, rather than answering, simply deleted our posts. How he responded initially said a lot about the kind of person he is. As I said to him, you're a cool guy, as long as no one confronts or questions you.
The proof of who we are is how we walk our talk. For instance,if we say we are religious yet do things distinctly unkind or consistently self-serving then we are a phony and a liar.
If we say we are an expert in something yet become so totally unglued when we are questioned on something we espouse, then we are a fraud. I say this because with questioning comes the opportunity to teach,inform, and even, in some cases, learn.Yes, the teacher can learn, and should always be learning.
In an era when character has been expanded to include behavior and speech that is anything but "character"(our sports 'heroes' and celebs readily come to mind here), it is our choice to be different and not follow the misguided crowd. Truth is truth and real character is, like truth, unchanging.

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