Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Argument For Eating Five Times a Day

Why is eating five times a day better than three? Consider the following:
"Always eat at least 5 times a day. Two or three are simply not enough. It is permissible to regard two of these meals as snacks provided they contain sufficient calories to get you to your next meal and they are comprised of the appropriate amount of macronutrients(carbohydrates, fats and proteins). The reason? Your blood sugar and insulin levels will be controlled(and thus your energy level), you will get protein in small amounts throughout the day to support growth and recovery, and (most important) body fat will not be stored, but instead mobilized as an energy source. By providing your body with a consistent and frequent supply of  just the right number of calories, its need to store fat is reduced. Conversely, when you eat infrequently, your body recognizes a "famine" situation and your entire endocrine system (powerful hormones produced inside your body that control how you grow, recover and produce energy) is thrown for a loop. Then, too much of the food consumed is stored as body fat in preparation for the "famine" to come.
Also, in planning your daily meals(or snacks),a caloric ratio of approximately 1 part fat, 2 parts protein and 3 parts carbohydrate is a good place to begin."

Speaking from personal experience, the above works. After years of being chronically hungry most of the day because I bought into the myth that long distance runners needed a diet predominately comprised of carbs, I finally smartened up. No more being hungry two hours after eating. You have to have a significant amount of quality protein in your diet as well as fat.
Too many athletes, particularly runners and triathletes, eat diets that seem to be "third world" in content, substance and nutritional value. 

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