Sunday, October 20, 2013


As we strive to achieve our goals, the word perseverance always comes up. Do we recognize all that this word means or do we just say, 'oh, that's about sticking to it.' Well, there's more to it then that, consider the following:
"Perseverance means showing firmness, steadiness, determination, tenacity and backbone. Perseverance is the ability to endure adversity until the problem is overcome. Perseverance is remaining confident and faithful to yourself while the odds appear to be mounting against your chance of success. Perseverance is being able to progressively attack adversity in an intelligent aggressive manner until the task is mastered."

Although the above was written by Del Hessel  for athletes, it's obviously applicable to everyone.

 10 minute easy jogging warm-up followed by 25 minutes over a hilly course--10 minute warm down, stretching after.

How was your day?

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