Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Forgotten Health Practice

Fasting. Ahh, for so many that word conjures up thoughts of agony and deprivation. However, in reality, we all fast. We fast during the hours that we sleep and then break(the)fast in the morning when we have, you guessed it, breakfast. Fasting is something beneficial to all who try it.
The easiest type of fast is to take one day a week and go without food. Drink all the purified water you choose but take in nothing else. I used to fast that way for quite awhile until I got, I don't know, lazy,......?
I would have dinner around 6pm, go to bed and then upon arising I might have a cup of herbal tea(no coffee!) but for the rest of the day it would be water only. I recall feeling somewhat hungry during the early part of that day but I believe a lot of my hunger had to do with the habit of eating. I always made a point of being by myself at lunch, reading or going for a walk. Around 1 or 2pm I recall feeling energetic for the remainder of the fast which I ended at 6 or 6:30pm.
Almost as important as the fast is how you 'break' the fast. Eating a salad with a fairly light meal is the way to go. Overeating only negates the benefits you gained from your fast.
The following are some of the benefits given by Dr. Alan Cott as to the benefits of a Fast. I put the one I believe is the best reason at the top of the list.

Fasting gives the body a physiological rest.
Fasting increases the pleasure of eating(particularly for fresh and raw foods after breaking the fast).
Fasting is an energizer, not a debilitator.
Fasting aids in the elimination process.
Fasting, done regularly, is a rejuvenator, slowing the aging process.
Fasting can lead to improved dietary habits.
Fasting lowers cholesterol and blood pressure levels.
Fasting is adaptable to a busy life.
Fasting rids the body of toxins.

I could go on but I think you can see that fasting is beneficial.
One benefit I would add that the Dr. didn't list:
Fasting builds discipline. Heaven knows most of us need to work on our discipline.
Go for it!

20 minutes easy in a cold rain ---stretching after.

What did you do today?

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