Saturday, October 5, 2013

The Big 15--Lest We Forget

People who regularly exercise tend to forget the host of benefits associated with it--As a little refresher for those who may have forgotten, here's what regular exercise will do:

"1.Improve your brainpower.
2.Lower your blood pressure.
3.Fight off a cold.
4.Manage arthritis.
5.Lower your risk of heart disease.
6.Cure insomnia.
7. Fight depression.
8.Lower your risk of diabetes and reverse pre-diabetes symptoms.
9.Build strong bones
10.Helps in losing weight.
11.Reduse your risk of cancer.
12.Boost your I.Q. and think better.
13. Relieve chronic knee pain.
14. Increase your energy levels
15.Slow down your aging process."

#3 I was not aware of this but the following provides an explanation---
"Prolonged intense exercise causes immunosuppression, whereas moderate-intensity exercise improves immune function and potentially reduces risk and severity of respiratory viral infections."

As far as #'s 4,9 and 13--People who have been told that running will eventually lead to OA(osteoarthritis) are not being told the truth. Unless you are significantly overweight, jogging and fast walking actually strengthens your joints.

#12. "In 2006, Arthur Kramer of the University of Illinois used MRIs to prove that aerobic exercise builds gray and white matter in the brains of older adults. Later studies found that more aerobically fit grade-schoolers also perform better on cognitive tests."

You should no sooner skip working out each day than you would skip eating or sleeping.

Tomorrow is the first day of the week.

40 minutes easy in Hugh MacRae Park-- a lazy hot day--lots of walking and stretching after.

What did you do?


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