Thursday, August 1, 2013

Beware of Pharmaceuticals

Another title I was considering for today's post was beware of drugs but I didn't want to give the impression that I was talking about the illicit ones like marijuana, cocaine, crack, etc.
No, I'm referring to prescribed and over the counter drugs. There was a time, I don't know how long ago, that people totally trusted their doctors and pharmacists and would take what they prescribed pretty much without question. With the passing years and the periodic news reports of the problems with many drugs this has thankfully changed. Too often yesterday's miracle drug has become the focus of 1-800 ads by lawyers for people who've experienced serious problems and even death.
I was a medication nurse in the psychiatric and medical fields for 20+ years and can honestly say that every drug you take has a side effect. The decision every person has to make in regards to taking a medication is this, does the benefit of taking it justify the side effects? Also, using a drug long term increases your risk of health problems.
A typical example--you have acid reflux--docs and commercials and Larry the Cable guy tell you to take Prilosec(or Nexium) and your problems will be over. The reality is that long term use of this drug effects the body's ability to absorb nutrients,vitamins and minerals into your system. Anemia is common in long time users of Prilosec.
I could go on and on--certain prescribed drugs for anxiety and sleep cause dependence and addiction. The psychiatric drugs that I regularly gave out for years carry serious side effects, every one of them!  Granted, there were times when the gravity of the disorder dictated that something must be done but little thought was ever given to tapering or considering the long-term consequences. Consider the ADHD drugs given to our kids, they  delay their growth and suppress appetite. The U.S. by the way dispenses 85% of the world's ADHD medications, what's up with that?
Doctors through the years have over prescribed antibiotics to their patients and they are now discovering that some medical conditions are resistant to antibiotics.
Again, every drug, every drug, has a side effect, even the seemingly benign over the counter pain relievers--take a moment and read this most interesting article on these pain relievers---

If we want to be at the top of our game--we must take control of our health--every aspect of it! Be very wary of pharmaceuticals!
What we are seeing in many of these posts are a common theme that should run through our lives--individuals, more than ever, have to do the study and the investigation before they allow things to happen---don't leave it up to others to do things and make decisions that will not only impact your health but your whole life.
A good reference book I would recommend for anyone seeking to take charge of their health would be----'Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine' (3rd) edition by Murray and Pizzorno. Extremely well researched and updated, it's solid, not faddist. This book can be bought real cheap on Amazon. In my opinion it's a must have.
Today--a beautiful day--there's something about running in the rain during the summer---45 minutes easy with stretching and calisthenics after.
How was your day?

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