Tuesday, September 17, 2013

At-one-ment Time

Training with others is a good thing to do at times. If you are a runner, easy workouts or long runs are an excellent time to have others along.
However, there are occasions in training when you need to be alone, alone with your thoughts, alone to think and prepare mentally, free of the distraction of having to interact with others.

Percy Cerutty, athlete, coach, philosopher, had this to say on the necessity of training solo:

"For the mind to become lost in the subject at hand there must be no serious interruptions, or any interruptions at all. There must be ample training opportunities wherein the activity and the person merge into one. This can never be attained other than in reasonable isolation or solitude."

He goes on to state that he believes that those who will not take what he calls, at-one-ment time, "will most likely never achieve the successes that otherwise could be theirs."

20 minutes at 2/3's pace, felt good but not as fit as I believe I should be--stretching after.

What did you do today?

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