Sunday, September 8, 2013

On Failure

I don't know the author of the following but it is a must read--

"Failure never destroys, only the reaction to it does. If failure is utilized efficiently, every time we collapse into a pitfall we can learn at the same time how to avoid the problem the next time. The person who has never fallen, or who has fallen but not learned from the experience, will forever  be victim of the pitfalls, unable to attain his goal."
That would make a great poster--"Failure never Destroys, Only the Reaction to It Does."

"Giving up as a result of failure usually weakens character and makes it easier to fail in the future."
So true! Also, add to that, Giving up as a result of failure makes it easier to quit in the future.
In many ways, how we deal with our athletic commitment as well as our response to competition serves as an indicator as to what kind of person we are.

Hard working day today---stretched --rested.

How was your day?

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