Sunday, September 15, 2013

Think About It--Don't Rush

It's a short day today. I'd like to begin by asking that if you know others who would enjoy this blog I'd appreciate your passing it along. Apparently the title I chose, "The greatest comeback...... " is not real conducive to getting notice on Google. Little did I know that when I picked the web 'address' there were a multitude of others with that title or something like it or related to it.

Consider the following two points--

If we want to be at the top of our game physically--then it is important to give consideration as to what we are trying to accomplish with each day's workout. Even something as easy as a 25 minute run needs to be given some thought and a determination made as to how it is going to benefit you. On an easy run like that we should recognize we are building aerobic fitness, this workout is laying the foundation for increasingly stressful work. Too many people give more thought to combing their hair then to what is going on with themselves during training.

Something else--never regard your workout as something to get in so you can quickly move on to your next activity. To the serious person who wants to be at the top of their game, your physical training is just as important and vital as mealtime, sleep, social and relaxation time.

What thought, or lack there of, that we give to our mental and physical training, reveals much about our level of commitment.

Tough work day today---stretching after--calisthenics too.

What did you do?

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