Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Test Yourself

For those of who want to be at the top of their game physically, I believe it is important to  periodically test yourself to see where you're at, meaning, what kind of condition are you in right now? With each sport there are specific ways of gauging your fitness. With running, I sometimes run 2 miles or a 5k, not all out but definitely at what I feel is 3/4's effort. I believe running all out is something you do when you are physically ready to do so. Presently, I'm not in that kind of condition but I want to see how I feel 'working it' as they say. Another important side benefit to this practice is that doing these workouts strengthen you mentally. I remember when I used to run a 3.3 mile time trial with Ralph Zimmerman over a very hilly challenging course at Chestnut  Ridge, I felt the kind of anxiety and adrenaline rush that I would get before a race. This workout prepared me mentally and physically for racing like no other.
At the end of September I may actually try racing a 5k that is heavy on trail and hill work.
All the above makes me think---who was it that said that 'an ideal life is one that has many challenges.' Maybe Yiannis--I can't recall at the moment although I do love his quote---'hear many,say little.'
I think I'll run down yesterday's workout since I got in so late---a 25 minute run over the sand at 2/3's speed followed by swimming after. Today will be much the same except the run will be easier and 10 minutes longer.
What have you got planned?

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