Thursday, August 15, 2013

The Often Forgotten Benefit of Sports and Exercise

I don't recall when I first realized that sport and exercise provided more than just a way to experiencing enjoyment and getting fit. I wish I had become 'enlightened' to all that sport and exercise had to offer sooner than I did.  Consider the following from Chungliang Al Huang---
"Sports and exercise can become a testing ground enabling you to improve and expand your definition of self. The physical path provides a direct inner conduit  for the creation of a positive self-image. With sports and exercise, you are constantly being challenged to face your fears, fatigue, ego, self-doubt, and courage. When you dig down deep and rise to the occasion, you discover the real you. You collect the data that begins to redefine the image of who you really are at this moment, not what others may think or say about you."

The great philosophical coaches always taught that the ideal athlete is a deep thinker, one who reads and studies, someone who looks beyond the superficial.  Sport and exercise can offer so much more than solely the physical.

A rest day today---read quite a bit---went for a half hour walk--ate less.

What did you do?

1 comment:

  1. Athletes who consider sport and exercise simply physical--often leave their respective sports once the victories and improvements(pr's)stop.
