Monday, August 5, 2013

The Often Forgotten Organ in the Aging Process

There's nothing sadder than someone who can't accept that the reality of the aging process
We should maintain peak physical condition as we age but that some adjustments have to be made along the way. I intend to do a post on that sometime next week.
For years I have seen people well into their 'senior' years do impressive physical things in an attempt to deal (delay?) with the aging process.
Readers to my Live For The Run blog recall that I stressed the absolute necessity of working the mind(brain)---consider the following from 'Nature', a British science journal:
"The degree of mental activity has a great effect on the aging of nerve cells. Time and again we have noted how the destruction of nerve cells which normally stimulate other nerve cells leads to the premature aging of the latter. On the other hand, the aging of nerve tissue is delayed by the normal activity of the nerve particularly active individuals the aging of certain ganglion cells is delayed. Great mental activity can bring about the growth of new nerve tissue in brains which long seemed to be mature. From this we learn that the brain,unlike other organs of the body, does not wear out with use. On the contrary, the more we use our brains the less tendency they have to grow old prematurely."
The above is one big reason why television is such a danger to your brain,it does very,very little in stimulating your brain the way it should be stimulated.
Read books,play chess and other board games with your friends and family; take courses, learn another language, do anything that not only stimulates your brain but makes you more interesting as a person.
Worked hard today,  lots of lifting, on my feet for 7 hours, did stretching after.
More time with family tomorrow at Carolina Beach, plan to run and swim ala Cerutty style, all I need are some decent sand dunes.
What did you do today?

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