Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Be Who You Want To Be

I got to thinking about the subject for this post after talking with a few friends and reading an essay by Henry David Thoreau. I'd like to quickly add that I am not trying to come off as some type of intellectual by referencing the fact I'm reading Thoreau. In trying to be at the top of my game mentally, I am occasionally reading works by authors who have a deep appreciation of what is called by some, 'high thinking and simple living.' I have found Thoreau to be most interesting and insightful.
It seems that much of our early lives, at least for most, is spent trying to find our place in this life. Questions like, what am I going to do for a living is one of the biggest ones that have to be answered. In making this decision it would not be a stretch to say we are greatly influenced by others in determining what we will do. Our parents, siblings and/or teachers appear to have the greatest influence over us in making that decision. A major consideration in choosing a career path is how much money you will be able to make, will you be able to have a house, support a family, etc. These are natural concerns but too often they can be a ticket to eventual frustration.
I think of the bumper sticker--'Live the Life you Love.' Someone who was just starting out--trying to determine the course(career) they were going to take asked me what I would advise him to do. I told him one of the things I wish my father had told me, choose a career that you know you will enjoy going to work each day, forget about what the pay stub says and don't compromise your morals and ideals to pick a career because you can make lots of $$$$. Don't put material possessions and what you gain from doing something you don't like above choosing the right path. Believing that happiness is gained from having money and all that it can buy is 'maya' , an illusion.
So many people are going through life unhappy with their jobs and slaves to their mortgages, car payments and toys, totally unaware or having forgotten to appreciate what some call the simpler things in life. Is it any wonder that this country is drinking and drugging itself at levels never seen before?
If you find yourself caught up in what I call  "the big lie," it's never too late to get back to the basics and engage in some 'high thinking and simple living.' Begin the downsizing process,it may take awhile but it will be well worth it, think of it all as an adventure--- strive to live the life you love.
An hour or so walking the beach--swimming--stretching--it's a great day to be out there.
What have you got planned for today?

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