Friday, July 26, 2013


Most of us feel uncomfortable pondering our own mortality. Heck--to a certain extent it's even uncomfortable to write or talk about it. I say this about the whole subject, why not turn what some view as a negative subject into a positive one? Putting aside personal faith beliefs and considerations, let thoughts of our mortality become kind of a call to action, to live life more fully. No one is guaranteed health and being alive tomorrow, so why live and act as if you've got lots of time to do things you should get started on now anyway?
I talked to a friend last week who lives in Florida, he told me that, unlike me, he was going to wait until he was 66 to retire because that's when he would earn the greatest amount of pension and benefits. My question to him was, how did he know he would have the health or even be alive at 66 to enjoy it? His only response was:"My, aren't you the optimistic one."
By the way---do you know what they call Florida? Answer--God's waiting room.
Seriously, not to go on but live like you don't take life for granted--do the things you want to do today--tell the people you love how you feel about them, today--and each and everyday for that matter. If you think you need to make changes in your life start the process now!
It's a work kind of day--stretching before and after---what have you got planned?


  1. Love your blog, are you in recovery?

  2. Thank you----In some ways my whole adult life has been experiencing recovery and discovery. From that,I have found a deep appreciation for life and people.


  3. "Most human beings have an almost infinite capacity for taking things for granted."
    a quote by Aldous Huxley
