Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Mix it Up

Ever notice as we get older we fall into the same patterns and routines? While he was still alive I could tell you what an older relative of mine was doing just by looking at my watch. "Oh, we can't go over to Uncle John's now, it's 5:35pm,he's eating dinner." 6:30 to 7pm weekdays? He's watching the nightly news--5 to 6pm Saturday afternoon he was watching pro-wrestling--I could go on but you get the picture. Uncle John rarely did anything different like go out somewhere in the evening if he thought there was the slightest chance he might not get home to do his nightly routine. Spontaneity was a  totally foreign concept to him Although routines and habits give us a sense of safety, comfort and stability,they can cause us to stagnate and become......boring.
I also believe doing the same old routine, day after day,month after month, year after year ages us prematurely.
There so many things to see and experience in this world, places to see, people to meet, new things to do. Changing things up and leaving our comfort zones make us think more, it stimulates us mentally and physically.
My plan is totally change up my daily routine, starting with my workouts There was a time when you could look at your watch and you would know I was out for my daily run. Also,going to new and different places is on the agenda too.
How 'bout you?
It's one of those work days---stretching before and after---more reading of Thoreau prior.
What have you got planned?

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