Saturday, July 13, 2013

Don't Be a Cellphone Zombie

While we're on the subject of being at the top of your game mentally,lets look at the cellphone.I should begin with this disclaimer--I don't mean to offend anyone but like the friend who is drinking a fifth of vodka a day---there comes a time when someone who cares steps in and points out the error of his friend's ways. Today--to some of you---I am that friend.
You see people on cellphones everywhere --on the street--in the stores--on the beaches--in the parks-- and quite unbelieveably--in their cars. People staring blankly at the screens--texting or talking. Just today I saw a number of people looking at their phones while driving--forget the number who were actually talking on them.
Cellphones are addictive, and for the most part, unnecessary. I'm always amazed when I see people at the store where I work walking around talking on them, even when they are checking out.
Cellphones have become more addictive as they have gained more special features and things you can do with them.
Questions of health concerns, to me, are valid ones. U.S. officials dismiss reports that come out periodically from Europe critical of their use,but, it's not very reassuring when these same U.S. health agencies recommend that we text more and not let children actually talk on them too much. Mmmm--follow the money on this one--cellphones are a billion dollar+ business in America.
I could go on but here's the bottom line--ditch the cellphone--don't be afraid to be alone with your thoughts--you don't need to be talked to or at or have something to look at throughout the day anytime you desire. Cellphones are mind numbing ---they will make you addicts and less intelligent and interesting people.
Hour walk today--barefoot with 30 minutes weights and who knows what else.
What are you doing?
More later.

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