Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Sweat it Out

I thought of the following because while out driving recently I've noticed that as its gotten warmer most everyone else has their car windows up. Presumably it's be cause their A.C. is on. Also,I walk into many stores and feel as if I'm walking into a meat locker. For some reason this caused me to think about sweating and the forgotten benefits of it. Many athletes accept sweating as part of the process but will do all they can to avoid it the rest of the day.
Consider these facts----
The skin is our body's largest excretory system.
Here's what happens when you sweat and here's what it does:

"When you sweat, you breathe faster, your heart works more, your circulation improves and your metabolism accelerates, all in an effort to resume your normal body temperature. Because your circulation is increased during sweating, many of the toxins and impurities are able to exit your body by way of your open skin pores.
Your skin also benefits from sweating. Your skin pores open and any dirt or impurities on the surface layers of the skin have a chance to exit. Sweating regularly, if followed by proper cleansing, will help you to achieve softer and smoother skin.
It is believed that the immune system also benefits from sweating. When your body heats up, your body generates more white blood cells. This strengthens your immune system."
One more time:
"Sweating has many health benefits. As a person sweats, it removes toxins and disease out of the body. The kidneys can take up to 24 hours to remove harmful toxins like lead and mercury out of the body, while sweating removes these metals much faster.  Sweating can also rid the body of harmful substances like alcohol, cholesterol and salt. Research as found that as much as thirty percent of the body’s wasted is eliminated through sweat."
Come on--you remember the days driving your car in 90 degree temps with the windows down, the radio blasting  and the wind blowing through. It was fun. Sweating is a good thing,so's showering after.
It's a heavy work day today--calisthenics and stretching in the morning followed by seven hours on my feet, walking, lifting and  more stretching.
So, what do you have planned?

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